I do much the same, i run over dialog or scenes, imagine images whenever i have some spare brain cycles. Driving to the fencing club I run lines with my characters trying to achieve maximum cool. I think about page layouts and timing and perspective shots.

I remember reading an ancillary to the ten-thousand hours of practice that active visualuzation counts. You may meet a master of a craft with 10,000 hours of practice. You know true mastery of a craft when you meet the one with millions of hours of practice because he has been exercising his craft in his head every minute of every day. When it seems like someone has effortlessly elevated their craft without practice, you probably didn't see the wheels churning in their head.

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Great stuff man. Nothing is hard, it is all just work. You just have to sit in the chair and do it.

Best of luck! Can't wait to see everything come to fruition!

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And if you were curious at 8:15 today I hit page 17 on this script.

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